"You have to do two things..."

Wassup party people! I just don't have a lot of time, so you're going to get a very short email from Elder Steadman this week! Here's the recap:

  • We taught Mr. Zhang and Juan about the restoration and they both loved it! It made perfect sense to them why we needed the restoration, which wad happy! 
  • Helen made us some food for one of our meetings with her and it wad some of the best food I've had on the mission! It was amazing!!
  • The trio is still just doing great! Finding joy in the work is what we try and do each day! 
Here's a quick spiritual thought for the day: There was once a question and answer session between Elder Bednar and some missionaries. I'm not sure what the year was; we just talked about this in our Zone conference. One of the missionaries asked, "How do you stay active in the church?" I was surprised by Elder Bednar's answer. Here's what he said... you have to do two things:
  • Read the Book of Mormon every day
  • Pay your tithing honestly and on time
I loved that it's not a crazy long list. It's just two things that he encourages us to build a habit about. 
If you feel you're having a struggle with your testimony, if you have fallen away from the church, or you want to feel a spiritual boost, I would start with these two things! I promise you will be rewarded as the scriptures promise. "And prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." That's a solid amount of blessings! If you've gotten a little off the path, that's alright! Don't feel like you need to make up a huge debt, just hop back on and keep trying! We want you as you are. God wants you as you are. YOU are His child and He loves you!
Have a great week everyone! 



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